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Old 11/12/2007, 10:18 AM
asch803 asch803 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Northern, New Jersey
Posts: 296
I did test the water from the effluent of the calc reactor last Sunday and will try to test it tonight. I think that I may have increased the flow too soon (it was about 2 to 3 drops per second, so i've slowed it to about 1 drop/second). I'm going to order some rowaphos later this week for the 3 phos-ban reactors and those should hopefully bring my phosphates back down to close to zero. I could post pics of the setup, but i'm terrible at that so i'll just describe it's very simple: i have the MTC Pro-cal reactor with sulphur in the large chamber and "ARM" in the smaller chamber with the effluent dripping into the sump (now at approx 1 drip/second) and no Co2 connected at all. The 3 phosban reactors are in my sump and once they get new charges of Rowaphos, they should reduce phosphate to zero or very close. I'll add an add'l post tonight with the nitrate reading coming from the effluent of the calc reactor. THANKS!