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Old 12/28/2007, 11:48 PM
TulsaReefer TulsaReefer is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 280
Tang as Bristleworm Control

For the longest time I've been puzzled over why my bristleworm population seems to have declined, or at least I seldom see them any more during the day. If I look after lights out, I still see quite a few. Then over the past couple weeks I began to notice my Purple Tang eating them. Three times now, once when I was pushing around some frags, and a worm fell off one, and twice when the pumps restarted and sent worms out of the plumbing, and every time the tang has rushed in, grabbed the worm, and gobbled it up. No wonder they don't come out during the day any more, they get eaten! I never thought that purple tangs were bristleworm eaters, but mine sure seems to think they are tasty. Would think that he would get choked up on those nastly little bristles, but the tang just spits them out a couple times, and by about the third time they go in and never come back out. First time it happened I though the tang would be a goner, but it seems to be happy as ever, and ready to eat any worms that it can find.