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Old 12/18/2007, 01:03 AM
acropora1981 acropora1981 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Newmarket, ON
Posts: 272
Talking first post didnt go through and it was the main post...i hate that...

Anyway I thought I'd post and update at 3 weeks post release. So far I have no losses, i still have 26/26 fry that were released. They are still on BBS, but now i enrich every other feeding with selcon. I would love to hear from blackthunda77 to see how he faired after losing a few fry.

Anyway, I have some new pics. Its hard to see the size difference but you can definately see the difference in appearance (they're actually at LEAST twice the size...maybe 3x). You cant see it int the pics but the fry are starting to get the distinctive polkadots on the pectoral fins and are beginnning to look much more like bangaii cardinals and much less like stick figures! here there are:

So there it is. im enjoying this all too much! So much that I went and got a 12x 40 gallon breeding system (for free!) and I'm now collecting mated clownfish pairs! I got a mated pair of ocellaris and i have a mated pair of maroon clowns waiting for me, AND a mated pair of black percs comming in for me!!! Wholesale here i come! I think i'll probably start a thread about my clownfish system as soon as it has something in it

I'll submit more pics as the bangaii's develop
when you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all