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Old 11/07/2007, 03:14 AM
giantbicycle giantbicycle is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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Posts: 98
Unteresting indeed.

Yes, from what my studies had made, what you said was 1 of the factors that affect the growth . But however, if you rank it in proportion as compared to current, movement, i am unsure. However , to attain fastest growth .what 1 needs is 100% the factors that affect the growth , some how which will spurt its growth, and not stunn it. I feel the more it is being moved/touched, the more growth stunn it will received and that will be a bad way to start.

For now, factors are : 1.) Current, random at all sides from the zoas,
2.) water condition , opposite from that of an SPS quality
3.) Intensity of the light. a LOW kelvin /PAR will advance growth, but colour will fade, which can be replenish with strong antinics after that.

