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Old 01/04/2008, 10:59 AM
Rossini Rossini is offline
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Posts: 246
Originally posted by Buckeye ME
1000 years ago, 99% of scientists were convinced the world is flat.

Do you have a statistic to prove "99% of scientists"? If not, you are reverting to hyperbole. Not that it would surprise me.

To doubt,today,that manmade climate change is happening,you must abandon science and revert to some other means of understanding the world:alchemy perhaps,or magic.

Ice cores extraced from the Antartcic show that the levels of co2 and methane in the atmosphere (these are the two principal greenhouse gases) are now higher than they have been for 650,000 years. Throughout that period,the concentration of these gases has been closely tracked by global temperatures.

Co2 levels have been rising over the past century faster that at any other time over the past 20,000 years. The only means by which greenhouse gases could have accumulated so swiftly is human action:carbon dioxide is produced by burning oil,coal,gas,and by clearing forests,while methane is released from farms and coal mines and landfill sites.

Both gases let in heat from the sun more readily than they let it out. As their levels in the atmosphere increase,the temperature rises. The concentration of co2,the important of the two,has risen from 280ppm in Marlowes time to 380ppm today. Most of the growth has taken place in the past fifty years. The average global temp over the past century has climbed,as a result,by 0.6C. According to the World Metorological organization, "the increase in temperature in the 21st century is likely to have been the largest in any century during the past 1000 years".

If you reject this explanation for planetary warming,you should ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does the atmosphere contain co2?

2. Does atmospheric co2 raise the average global temperature?

3. Will this influence be enhanced by the addition of more co2?

4. Have human activities led to a net emmision of co2?

If you are able to answer "no" to any of them,you should put yourself forward for a Nobel Prize. You will have turned science on its head.