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Old 07/15/2005, 02:46 PM
Shoestring Reefer Shoestring Reefer is offline
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When "finding Nemo" came out, there were newspaper articles about how "all drains lead to the wastewater treatment facility" and how it shoulda been called "grinding nemo".

Notice: in the movie Nemo was headed to the treatment plant but escaped out a hole in the pipe. The movie did NOT say that all drians lead to the ocean; a character in the movie said it, and IMO the movie made it clear that it wasn't true.

Originally posted by Gobydude777
Its that they don't know. Some also aren't willing to spend extra money on a good book. They don't know that a bag of Mortons dosn't make the difference between a 10 Gallon full of Guppies and a 10 gallon full of "Nemos".

Many also think the honest LFS is trying to "sucker" them. Like.......Why should they buy some "huge" 50 gallon when they have a little 10 gallon at home? Why sould they buy some alien piece of equipment called a protein skimmer when they have their good ol power filter? Why should they buy some "overpriced" Live Rock when they have driftwood and Lava rock? Why should they buy a $20 bag of "Instant Ocean" when they have plenty of salt at home? See what I mean?

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