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Old 12/28/2007, 05:45 PM
chris wright chris wright is offline
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Originally posted by steve the plumb
Bill I saw the tank very nice.Well what can I do.I felt like blowing up but I calmed myself.If it was my wife that did it I would have freaked but she knows better.Chris why don't you have a skimmer?
I do, It's a hang on the tank job. I've modified the intake on the pump to try to surface skim a little better, but I still only get a cup of skimmate, if i'm lucky, once a month.

It airates the water, and has an awesome amount of feather dusters, but the downside is that it can't be cleaned. The baffles make it impossible to clean the skimmer properly. I empty the water and swirl new water around and empty it, and that's the best I can do. Hence my water changes on a regular basis.