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Old 10/13/2006, 10:41 AM
critterkeeper critterkeeper is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 234
A few cents (rather than just two)

Clams eat a lot more than you'd think.

Their metabolic rate (like that of most cold-blooded things) is strongly affected by water temps. So, putting a clam like this in a reef tank will speed up its metabolism, which means it will need even more food than normal.

There very likely isn't enough food in any of our tanks to support a whole population of clams, although having a couple of small ones in a big tank might work (obviously there are about a thousand variables to consider like species, size, numbers, food preferences, etc.)

Clams can take weeks to months to starve to death with no indications that anything is wrong.

I would watch VERY closely for shell growth. If the shell is growing things are probably okay. If not - something's wrong (unless they happen to already be full size at the time).

Also, I saw that someone mentioned using sponges for filters - however, sponges eat bacteria for the most part, not plankton.