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Old 12/30/2007, 11:15 AM
Altpers0na Altpers0na is offline
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Originally posted by crp
What lounge have you been in? You most certainly cannot be talking about the people here, who most would give the shirt of their back for anyone who asked.

not trying to argue... and i dont mean everyone of course..

as for mean or heartless.. sometimes.. but not that time...

but just for reference... as to the shirts off thier backs..

i will point to the thread a few days ago when nina posted something about what she should do with one of 'her boys' request to see their family (or some such) and the lounge response was basically 'let them rot'. so much for good will toward men...

i see threads like that all the time... and thats a good example of what i meant by cruel and compassionless..

again, dont get me wrong, i will get in line to let some people rot... (like my sister in law), but thats someone i know, and not a stranger that i only know by hear say on a forum...

but i also get in line to give the shirt off my back... i'll freely help anyone who actually wants my help... i will not help people that dont actually want my help, or just want another hand out...

ill stop ranting and argueing now..

and end with saying im ok with dying prematurely to avoid suffering... and the OP story is sad, but would have been sadder if it had taken another 20 years to resolve its self otherwise...

and im ok with idiots getting themselves mauled by tigers... (i actually think the only reason to shoot the tiger is that it would have been overly hard to get it back in the cage... it didnt do anything wrong... its a tiger, that what they do, and its why i dont plan on going to india for picture safari)

im also ok with baileys in my coffee. which will happen when i get home

sorry that was more than 5 lines.. my bad..