Thread: Unwanted pet
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Old 10/11/2007, 07:40 PM
Ladipyg Ladipyg is offline
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Myrddraal...everyone is allergic to those is the number one defense mechanism of tarantulas. Most tarantulas would rather "flick" hairs than waste venom on a bite for a non-prey item. A good indicator of a specimens temperament is to look at the hind end...if there is a large bald spot, it indicates a short tempered, usually aggressive spider. The hairs are replaced with every molt. They are like itching powder, and are very light weight. When flicked by the rear legs, the hairs can move a considerable way on the air currents. It's bad enough to get them on your arm, but in the eyes or nose is guaranteed to bring on a prolonged fit of sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, the works.
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