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Old 03/31/2007, 07:33 PM
virginiadiver69 virginiadiver69 is offline
I think I love my tank
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Gum Spring, Virginia
Posts: 1,863
Originally posted by sayn3ver
I also don't get why the united states is so damn focused on ethenol production
Follow the money! Just like the global warming evangelist, there are a lot of pockets to fill.

Originally posted by sayn3ver

Space is limited.
I guess you have never traveled cross country and stared out at the vast openness. Yes, is not infinite but certainly not limited.

Originally posted by sayn3ver

And finally, life style/living changes should be made. Space is limited. Cities are more efficent than the suburbs, where one gets into their SUV getting 15mpg and has to drive 5 or 10 miles to get to a wawa or to a food the post office. Cities offer high density meaning less distance to travel (bikes and walking and mass transit become more favorable). Logistically its easier for power grids and plumbing and delivery of goods, etc etc. I think the fedual style city planning may be what we should be considering with xtremely tall scapers and dense living areas surrounded by outlying rural area used to farm crops for food and fuel. A bit radical maybe, but w/e. You have to think radically when it comes to these sorts of things. Electricity, planes, physics, nuclear power, etc were all radical ideas for their times, but are now common place.
If that's the way you want to live "knock yourself out" but I grew up on in NYC and have had my fill of "efficiency". I live about 25 miles into the rural countryside of Virginia and would not trade it for the world.
Keep in mind, natural human migration is cyclical. "Sprawl" is nothing new, it has been happening since humans were dragging there knuckles on the ground. It goes from city center to suburbs to ex-burbs(countryside) then starts all over again.
Current Livestock:
mated pair False Percs
mated pair Banggai Cardinals
Longnose Hawkfish
Magnificent Rabbitfish
Diamond Goby
Blond Naso Tang
Bluechin Trigger

I got the poo on me.