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Old 02/26/2007, 02:11 AM
Scottkelly911 Scottkelly911 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Venice Beach
Posts: 395
Originally posted by Curtis1158

Scottkelly911: The pencil wrasse is really different, good looking fish. Are they reef safe? Aggresive? Don't know much about then. Curious though. Can you fill me in?
I agree, it's definitely a very different and attractive fish, a very nice addition. I've only had it for just over a day, but here's some info based on what I've read, been told and my very short experience thus far. It is completely reef safe and very similar to fairy wrasses in husbandry, however may go after very small ornamental shrimp such as sexy shrimp or pom pom crabs (so I'm told). They're supposedly very difficult to get to eat and often require live food, then you can slowly try to ween them onto frozen. Mine hasn't even looked twice at my peppermint shrimp and for a breif time was even hanging out under the same rock with it. They're very docile and my exquisite wrasse has been flashing at it and occassionally chasing it, but not to the point of too much stress (so far), he hasn't tried to jump, but they are jumpers just like Fairy and Flashers, infact when I was acclimating him, he was jumping all over the tupperware, luckily I had a lid on it. I got lucky and mine is already eating thawed out mysis and Spirolina loaded brine. They don't get very large, only to about 4-5 inches and do best with a sandbed to burrow into and lots of rockwork. Since I don't have a sandbed, he spent the night in the rocks. Oh and one last thing, they pick at the rocks looking for pods. If you have any other questions just ask. So far, I've been really happy with him and just hope that his color stays as brilliant as it is right now.
12 Gallon Nano Cube DX - Zoos & Shrooms

50 Gallon Barebottom and LR, asstd Zoo's, LPS etc. Fish: Fairies and Flashers, black Saddleback clown pair, true perk, pink bar goby, 5 blue/Green Chromis