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Old 12/04/2007, 05:54 PM
DanInSD DanInSD is offline
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Posts: 633
Thanks, guys. The coral hasn't "stood up" yet but I think from what I've read that the light and flow are long-term compatible so I'm going to give it another week or so before attempting a move.

There is only one coral nearby -- a tiny frag of yellow toadstool that is growing at the base of the "main" leather. It came this way from the LFS so I have to assume it's been there a while. There are green star polyps about ten inches "down current" and some xenia about six inches away. Nothing of any consequence.

It also seems to have one little finger "disintegrating" -- I'm assuming this is likely a travel injury, because it was a little scarred right off the bat. What's the procedure for trimming these back? I assume it's standard "fragging" procedure -- cut back the dead tissue with a sharp blade -- but:

- Inside the tank, or outside?
- Dip of any kind afterwards (fresh water; lungol's) ?
