Thread: Clamtastrophe
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Old 12/27/2007, 09:47 PM
skinz78 skinz78 is offline
Keeper of the clams!!!
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: north west washington
Posts: 579
Do yourself a favor and try proove yourself, or us wrong. Take a clear plastic bottle preferrably 2 litre. Cut it in half, fill it with 1/4" holes for water circulation. Put your derasa back into your display tank. Place the clam in an open spot in the sand. Then put the bottle over the clam to shield it from your angels. If the clam opens up and stays open you then know it is your angels or at least something else nipping at your clams.
Well, I'm off to give my reef a 30 min freshwater dip!!

That should fix it everything right???