Thread: OMG, Noggin!
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Old 01/11/2008, 10:13 AM
Nina51 Nina51 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: 5th floor, Illinois
Posts: 138
i honestly don't know how you parents do it. our friends will bring their almost-3 year old granddaughter out to visit. of course, they have to turn the t.v. to the cartoon channel to pacify the little darling. we're talkin' like 46" of spongebob squareshirt. or is it pants? sound on full blast. after about 30 seconds of it, i'm ready to blow my brains out.

i don't remember john being really "into" t.v. when he was a toddler shutupdinowedidhavet.v.inthestoneages. he was more into music so we played the stereo a lot. sound on full blast.
of all the things i've lost, i miss my gary the most.