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Old 08/15/2004, 02:20 AM
AP7x AP7x is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 185
Fishies for the 125 =D

Aye, hello everyone =D

125g AGA is cycling as we speak in the living with some great PA Marshall Island / Fiji rock. Anyways, I thought I would go ahead and plan out a fish list:::

This will be a reef tank btw.

Most likely getting:
1) Flame Angel - hopefully the "model citizen" type...a risk I will take

2) Regal Tang - a reason for the 125 was in hopes of owning one of these fellas....although the stories of ick scare me... would good acclimation be key to success?

3) Sixline Wrass - I hear it zips in and out of rockwork....a very lively addition.

4) Royal Gamma - I dunno...just a different color scheme with that purple/yellow...

5) Firefish - A...different lookin fish? Paired with a Purple variant? Is that possible?

6) Clownfish - I was looking at Percula...but I have Ocelleris in my 12g in my room. Suggestions on any other types? I just like seeing the clown host (no guarentees..i know..)

Ok,'s where your wonderful experiences/opinions will greatly help me...

Goby - recommend any gobies? The shrimp gobies interest me...pairing one up with a shrimp seems neat. Sand shifters are ok since I just have a shallow bed for looks.

Wrasses - any other type of wrasses taht are nice and reef safe? Will they conflict with the sixline?

Arthias - now these I don't know as much about...but I've read a few accounts of keep a male with a group of females. Although this sounds nice, I dont want to give up the other types of fish to house these guys. Therefore - any good ones that stay attractive as singles?

And lastly - just throw suggestions out =D

Thanks very much!