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Old 12/11/2007, 12:58 PM
Jay F Jay F is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5
Originally posted by TriGa22
Jay, can you please post pics of your setup. I am also trying to get into this and get everything down.
I posted a few pictures of my set up in my gallery. Note the less than ideal spot for the rearing tank. I plan to move it to the basement on the table with my brine shrimp hatchery for the next hatch (this coming thursday night). You may also notice I'm a master carpenter when you see the brine hatchery. I'm going for function, obviously. The blue bucket under the table is the rotifer culture.

The rearing tank has two airline tubes in oposite corners. I have a 75 watt bulb in the lamp. The green bottle is a fresh water drip. I'm also adding iodine via the drip now as well.

that's it. Pretty simple at this point.