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Old 06/11/2007, 08:22 PM
xJake xJake is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Posts: 31
I did a freshwater test of the plumbing today and there were no leaks. Not bad for my first time putting together PVC using only the stuff I've read online.

I've been going through my huge list of bookmarks and I was reading over an article at
and was thinking I may just build a DIY PVC skimmer.

My return pump should be here tomorrow. It's a Gen-X 1000; with head loss it should equal about 90gph which is about 3x turnover using only 18 watts. On most of the tanks I've read about huge return pumps just seem unnecessary and some of the most successful (and low cost) tanks have just enough turnover (2-3x) through the sump and an overpowered skimmer.

I'm currently scouring garage sales for another 29 gallon tank which fits perfectly in the space I have behind the tank in order to have a proper sump.

I'll have some more pics tomorrow of the leak test, but only if I can manage to get my camera cord back from my friend who borrowed it today.

On a side note, my koralia 4 seems to be vibrating a LOT (making a loud humming noise). I've sent an email to Drs. Foster and Smith about it to find out if it's normal or not and whether or not it will go away with time.

Last edited by xJake; 06/11/2007 at 08:28 PM.