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Old 12/29/2007, 02:34 PM
hdodd hdodd is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Tallahassee
Posts: 39
Greenbean, please indulge me just one more time, lol. Am I correct in assuming that carbon dioxide is the great evil? That is, man has been producing it at a so-called alarming rate and that it, along with other lessor gases, causes the blanket effect and aids in the increased warming. Am I also correct that carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere at a level of less than 1 percent, with variations to that number for any number of different reasons, but still less that a percent? If that is the case, am I correct in thinking that the physics is so far over my head that I could never understand how something that small as a part of such a large system could be so allegedly devastating? Is the interaction of carbon dioxide to all of the other variables involved so powerful? I could easily understand if the amount of carbon dio. was like 50 percent, and we had increases taking it up to 60 or higher, like it becomes even visually understanding to someone like myself. But to say that we had a 30 percent increase in some that is less than one percent of something doesn't seem very powerful.