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Old 01/11/2008, 04:07 PM
Sitarangi Sitarangi is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sandy Eggo
Posts: 13
Im kind of having second thoughts about the frogfish, they are adorable, and I do want one. This is for a school project, when im done and I move everything back then I can start pursuing more exotic creatures.

The mantis (from what I can tell) is not going to harm a fly. Hes less than an inch long, I think hes a

G. Viridis

I dont even know what hes eating, but hes lasted about a month so far. I havent noticed any crushed shells or snails missing or hermits missing.

So for now, I think its going to be clowns, anenomes, and damsels...... for now.

I do plan on getting a new tank ASAP, because our DIY tank for the project is starting to buckle