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Old 08/21/2007, 01:14 AM
ScarabRa ScarabRa is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: North Valley, Bay Area, CA
Posts: 164
WOW I couldent see it visually till the cardboard model, now i totally see it....NICE IDEA

So ive seen his done with ceramic sections before, looked like allot more work because of the firing part. I have also seen people drill holes, and slide rock over pvc pipe, to get the same effect, but also looks fairly time consuming.

Are you going to add live rock to this setup?

DISCLAIMER: Ok, so here comes the stuped questions

Doh' #1 Does the foam want to float at all? i mean lift up, when submerged?? do you have to "mount it before the water is added?

Doh' #2 How do you keep the anerobic ( bacteria out of the dead/ non movement areas on the backside?

Doh' #3 Does the foam "rot" or deteriorate in the water over time
Will A.K.A. ModernReefKeeper

NOTE: Please forgive my, its the thought that counts right?