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Old 01/11/2008, 04:10 PM
bohlke bohlke is offline
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Originally posted by melev
I did it in my tank, and lost a couple of frags to it. But it might have been something else unrelated to the lights out period. All my cyano went away.

Don't expect darkness to make Derbasia (hair algae) go away. Pluck, and rinse. Pluck, and rinse. Pluck, and rinse. Do it until you can't stand it no more. Stop. Do it again tomorrow. Keep at it daily. Once you've done the brunt of the job, put 5 huge Mexican Turbo snails in your tank, fresh from the LFS. They'll be starved and rarin' to go. If you can't get the huge ones, get a bunch (10 to 25) Astreas. Put them on the areas covered with algae. Every time you see them elsewhere, put them where you want them working. They work for you, after all.
Hmm and I just removed al my large turbo snails as they were moving corals around and now I have hair algae. I guess I just need stronger glue!

I am not sure I am going to use the kalk napalm again, it hasnt been very effective and the process seems to have stressed out my yellow tang. Maybe I over reacted to my new hair algae problem.
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