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Old 07/10/2006, 02:10 PM
Al G Blenny Al G Blenny is offline
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Location: San Mateo Ca.
Posts: 920
More mis-information. That was Frank sending out the lists of LE frags. Not Tyree. Tyree went on the road trips with Frank but they weren't business partners. Those were corals that Frank was selling. In fact you notice that Frank still does the road trips and sells the same corals but Tyree doesn't go?

I never assumed you "were mad". I read the "I would be" part. What makes you think I didn't understand that?

I'm not sure what you mean about being up front about business activities. I could be way off base but if you are talking about one or both of the business' I own all of the Mods already know. I told them right when I started my last business. Why would you think I am shady like that? Again if I understood that the wrong way I apologize.

I think we went over the whole LFS getting in LEs topic. If you think that then you don't know your corals that well.

Your avatar? I'm glad you are proud of it but there is a reason it isn't an LE. I just gave away two Micro colonies like that at the bay area farmers market. They aren't really rare. Is that your example of LE corals that come in all the time? Why don't you look at the two LE Micros that Tyree sells. Show me a pic of those ones in your tank. I am still waiting on a pic of you LE riddled aquarium. A full tank shot will be nice.
Heloooooooooooooo Infidels.