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Old 03/25/2007, 07:19 PM
RichardS RichardS is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 169
Originally posted by scottras
Fair enough Richard, I must admit I was halfway through a lengthy response to you yesterday when I realised it was beer o'clock on a Friday afternoon. Not to worry, did the article Hippie linked to help at all? or do you still have questions? happy to attempt to answer whatever you need to know.
No that did not answer the questions. They are pretty straightforward. I'm not questioning the science of global warming; I'm questioning the science and practicality of your proposed solutions. If your solutions are based on science then answering those three little questions shouldn't be such a difficult task.

Maybe it will be easier for you to answer the question I brought up earlier. Deforestation of tropical rainforests is pumping about 30% as much co2 into the atmosphere as fossil fuel use annually. It seems to me stopping that deforestation and actually regrowing cleared forests is an easier task than switching the world over to "green" alternative energy sources and would have a greater impact in a shorter amount of time.

So why is it that stopping deforestation and regrowing cleared forest is not as high of a priority to you as me getting solar panels and fluorescent light bulbs? I suspect it is because deforestation is being committed by impoverished undeveloped nations and not people like myself who are "guilty" of having a decent life.

Wanting cleaner energy sources, a cleaner environment, I have no problem with that. The green crowd using GW as an excuse to dictate how people should live is what I have a problem with. Heck, Hippie already wants to raise my taxes to pay for it. Of course, he doesn't make enough to even pay taxes so it's easy for him to say that.