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Old 11/16/2007, 09:09 PM
richofoz richofoz is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Melbourne Aus.
Posts: 164
Knowing where they are is easier said than done too...
I spent over 20 minutes at the Melbourne aquarium staring in to the blue rings tank.
The tank was 1'x1'x2' with very little in the way of hiding places. Eventually I gave up and asked a staff member if it was even in there.
She walked up and pointed to the very front of the tank and said there he is!
I couldn't believe it. I know cephlapods are capable of some of the most amazing camoflage but this was somthing else!
He'd picked up a bunch of shells and rocks and held them in such a way that he just looked like a pile of shells...
I'm not sure about all of the species but the ones we get down here can be tiny. I'd imagine quite a bit more difficult to contain than other species.