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Old 02/16/2004, 11:46 AM
DensityMan DensityMan is offline
Keeper(?) of Tim
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 1,667
Kryptonite's patsy (Mr. Why-Me) is still lurking about in the zoanthid patches waiting for hi day to strike.

Strongmad is still safely hidden underneath his fortress of solitude (which he still carries on his back - he is the RV of crustaceans)

Kryptonite himself is nowhere to be found, which is probably just as well because Tim is growing up!

He's right around 2 inches in length now and has chipped away his viewing hole to fit his new size. Even though he still opens and closes the top-hole he has excavated fully half of the sand out from under his apartment (I haven't even filed for a building permit yet).

I am posting this little nugget of a post to remind me to take and upload some new pictures. Not only has he gotten bigger, but he's gotten cooler as well. His third antennae is doing well as is his appetite; he has cleared his tank of all nassarius (pig) even ate a large cerith. The astrea's are nervous around him (and have some dents in their armor), but seem to be holding there own. Tim must like the whelk because he has yet to eat him, but I'm wondering what will happen if I don't restock his nassarius supply soon.

He is much more comfortable in his tank since the heater exploded. I even have my suspicions that he may have planned the whole heater debacle to rid himself of the ninja crustacean, Kryptonite and the constantly swimming fish...

aka - Chevy, Scott, DM, etc...

Zoanthid collector, Monitpoa sp. afficianado, Yuma snob and fan of the Mantis family.