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Old 12/30/2007, 11:43 PM
acropora1981 acropora1981 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Newmarket, ON
Posts: 272
weaning problems


ok so my first batch of bangaii cardinals are on day 34 or 35 and they are still utterly refusing everything but live baby brine shrimp. I've tried frozen baby brine and this week i tried frozen cyclopeze twice, after starving them for 36 hours each time, and they didnt take it. So about 25 mins ago i broke down and fed them a very large meal of fresh live bbs. the heck does one go about actually doing this? I need to start getting them a more varied diet so i can get these things up to retail size, so i can get them out, and make room for batch #3(which i beleive will come soon as the parents are doing the dance again)...
when you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all