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Old 04/09/2006, 05:29 PM
moonpod moonpod is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: B.H., Los Angeles
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That being the case Peppermints. I know there are a few out there. They are very, very pricey, very, very delicate, BUT there are some out there.

Bandits as far as I know die in captivity. If they were hardier they'd be everywhere, b/c frankly, they aren't exactly "rare" in Hawaiian waters so...

Chrysurus, Collins, Multicolor, Goldens, Interruptus, Joculators, Resplendens, Venustus, blueline, conspics, all come in regularly.

Hotamatua I haven't seen, nor heard of in captivity so if you've seen one of those.....

Kingii, ditto.

There are some old clarions still around, and probably some from that last batch that was brought in illegally.
Excuses are just the nails for the house of failure.