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Old 11/10/2007, 07:44 PM
reef_doug reef_doug is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Victorville
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Originally posted by J4Life
Nice. I liked it better under the 10K XM's. Do you have any full tanks shots? I would love to see them. From your signature it looks like your tank is a 180 gallon, correct?

Thanks for sharing,
Yes it's 180, 6x2x2. I'll post some full shots this evening.

I'll keep it updated if the Angel nips. I personally think the majestic is the best looking of all angels. I had to recently turn in my coral beauty because he developed a taste for SPS.

I asked Ali to keep an eye for one that has adult pattern, yet I wanted a young adult because I heard the smaller ones may have better success in a reef tank in regards to nipping. I was in no hurry, and it took a couple weeks for Ali to find a really nice one at Quality Marine. I took the picture with the Angel next to the 4.5" YT to show it's small size.

There is an aquarium set up in a Del Taco here in Victorville with a large Majestic Angel (7") with SPS & clams and he has never nipped. This helped to influence my decision to try one. No zoas in that tank though.

On the lighting without actinics, IMO the tank looks better in person with Phoenix 14k. For me the XM 10k was too bright & white. However in pictures the brightness of 10k really looks nice. I'm going to add actinic and hopefully go back to 10k for better growth.

The fourth picture may look like a crack or scratch, but it's actually 20# fishing line with a veggie clip on the other end. I use this to drop it towards the back cave. The Angel is still shy and won't fight with the tangs if it's stuck to the front. Interesting thing though.. the angel eats Julian Sprungs sea veggies but only the purple. He wont eat the green and I havent tried the brown yet. He's not on pellets yet, fingers are crossed for that.
"If you have more than one tank in your livingroom, you might be a reefneck"

Last edited by reef_doug; 11/10/2007 at 07:57 PM.