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Old 01/01/2008, 12:05 AM
Lance M. Lance M. is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 414
The gradual heating by the CO2 emmissions and other green house gases will actually cause another ice age to happen. It would of happened naturally though, we just sped it up.

And if the reefs are actually going to be gone in just 20-30 years even if somehow we stopped all polution and CO2 emmissions right now, it wouldn't matter, it's already too far gone. Besides are how would we get countries like China to follow suit? Even with solar power, wind power, etc. there is no cost effective way to produce energy on a grand scale to cause a change. The only form of energy that can do this is nuclear power and there would have to be so many nuclear power plants produced to cause a change it would be ridiculous. I was watching CNN whenever they had that week long program about the global climate change and such and there was an expert, one of only several in the world that study the climate over the entire planet, that said approximately 100,000 nuclear power plants would have to be built immediately to be able to lower the global temperature about one hundredth of a degree every 10 years. And we all know 100,000 nuclear power plants aren't going to pop up any time soon.

I think pretty much all of these "green" products and the we're all going to die from global warming attitude from the news is just propaganda for big businesses to make money.