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Old 01/27/2004, 07:39 PM
oama oama is offline
Vegetative Protoplasm
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 2,526
Great Job!

But I'm siding with John on the first pic. A. akalopsis white stripe usually does not extend all the way down to the upper lip. Although the teeth would be a better positive identifier. Akalopsis have peg-like or flat topped teeth. Sandaracinos have conical teeth.

BTW, just like other clowns, skunks have varients.
There is a pink orange skunk (A. sandaracinos) as well as an orange orange skunk (A. sandaracinos). There is also a Orange pink skunk (A. perideraion) as well as the pink pink skunk. Confused yet?
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