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Old 11/01/2007, 10:25 AM
DarwinFish11 DarwinFish11 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Toronto
Posts: 49
Now that things have settled down after to move I decided it was time to make my reef more reef like! I picked up a bunch of pieces from a fellow reefer tht has been helping me along the way. New to my reef are:

Green Staghorn

Purple Montipora Digitata

Blue/Green Candy Cane

Orange Green Zoos

I also have a very small Acro. Prostrata that I haven't mounted yet so I can't get a good photo.

And here is my most recent FTS.

Lastly, I also picked up some Prodibo. I jsut started dosing with BioClean and will be treating with Reef Booster once the BioClean has done its job. I am fighting a minor algae issue that has me cleaning my glass a few times aday so I hope this will help. I will try to get some progression photos once things start to work.
