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Old 08/04/2005, 06:29 PM
BigReefing BigReefing is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 434
Try not to use epoxy if you can. I have used epoxy for many many different projects. It is very toxic stuff. I would only use it if i drained my tank and I had a whole in the tank it stuff. I am not going to tell you how toxic it is, only that it is one of the most toxic substances you can buy to work with that a home improvement place carryies. I have some better ideas fore you. Put that largest stones on the bottom. Go with what is called island formation. Start with sort of an oval shape in the middle of the tank and work your way up to a smaller peak. Keep the stone away from the walls so you can clean them when needed. Also a great thing to use is pvc pipe. You can buy different odds and ends and put it together to form structure that you can stack on. Make sure you drill a few small wholes for water to get through it. I only ever recomend epoxy if you live in a place where they have alot of earth quakes and then it is worth the risk. Try those ideas first. If worse comes to worse use epoxy. I am telling you what the books say. However, haveing worked with it and knowing how toxic it is. I would never ever use it my self, but that is my opinion.