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Old 12/18/2006, 07:34 AM
Bergovoy Bergovoy is offline
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your counter offer ??/

I have no issues with MANNING up, and if you dare imply that or anyother durogatory remark aagain, I will definately terminate our conversations as they will not be positive nor productive.

I did recieve that email on the date and time you indicate. It came at the same time as two other emails from you. I replied to that email along with the other two emails in one reply.

To try to summerize:

This 'counter-offer' adds onto your first offer where you 'discounted' a skimmer product by $50 off your advertised price. The skimmer also included a pump, which was undersized by 300+ gph, as indicated by comparing the other skimmers you show on your site. A quick search on the internet shows the difference in price for that pump compared to teh other pumps you list on your site to be less then half pricel (more then $40 difference).

So in essence, you give me a refund of $50, but give me a smaller less expensive pump. Does not sound like you are giving me anything so far...

Also, as I indicated in my original email where I asked for a settelment to be made, I dont want or need a pump, nor did I think it appropriate for you to go out of pocket to settle this issue. Except for material for the unit itself.

I figured that I would be out a couple of hours to research and fix all that was wrog with the fixture, and that you should expend about the same amount of time to construct a skimmer.

A couple of horus for a couple of hours. Should be as simple as that.

I also told you I do not want your standpipe. The device you gave me you called it a prototype and as such it was not refined, or cleaned. You cut the inlet hole in the riser with a hack saw or something, and you have the riser reduced toa 3/4" tube. I told you I did not want i but you strongly ureged for me to tatke it to show my friend. He has seen it, still likes the idea, and wuold have contributed you your something to your coffers for your concept and effort, but with all things considreed, he has since declined your services.

So, your second counter offer does not add anything to the mix. except a pack of magnets, which you value at $30 for 18 magnets. I would geuss the magents are about a quarter of an inch.

So, I start off by asking fo a $100 credit, and in return I get to buy a skimmer for essentially full price, (the discounto of $50 is offset by the substitution of a smaller pump), and a bag of magnets for $30, (or about $1.66 per magnet). Iactully just bought a sack of magnets from Lowes over the weekend for $5

So, as I wrote in my emailed reply, (whichis where I was when you were being so patient)

The counter offer is again not accepted as it is not the same or close to what I had originally proposed.

And for clarification to future offers: please lets remove the exchange of your skimmer equipment from the deal. That will just complicate the situation as you have now tried to swithc or substitute parts or sizes to somehow make it more palitti\ble for you...(you are trying to reduce your cost by reducing the worth or value of the equipment you are trying to trade me...

I am pleased that you are at least trying to resolve this through negotiations. that is very positive and will hopefully be productive.

And although we just concluded the original transaction last week, I understand you did not set that moey aside and is not available to you in the event we do come to satisfactory conclusion.

Should we come to a satisfactory settlement that includes reimbursing me th full or partial amount of money, I will be willing to work with you to defer the payments to either your next payday or until next year, after the holidays.

(although I am positive you owe me money, I am not without heart during the holiday season. I mearly will want whatever agreement we make to be documented and signed.

And with the availability of funds being an issue, I would strongly suggest you take my offer for a partial refund of the money I have already paid you. That way you do not have to come up with the full amount, and have to wait to sell it again before you get more money.

Please let know what your intentions are so I may anticipate and evaluate my options.



Originally posted by BubbleMonkeyIII
Bergy I SENT an email with COUNTER OFFER AGREEING to your options at 4am 16th..., see the posts above.. I just RESENT the email to you. your rejection of the offer later that night, (when it come to me) is what made me think you were INSANE and impossible to deal with. I had given up at that point.

The fact of the matter was I Sent the $50.00 email off my skimmer BEFORE you even requested that in your first offer e mail. check the time of that e mail youll see this. I also said that in the forwarded e mail mentioned above.