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Old 12/31/2007, 01:52 PM
philter4 philter4 is offline
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Sure, it's possible to do if you really want to invest the time and money, but unless you're intent on refining the culture methods, it's not a practical thing to do.
There are lots of examples of both fish and reptiles that more is learned from the people who just enjoy the animal then labs spending money to find out about captive care. My point was people have done it and why should you or me or anyone tell someone it's impossible so don't try

I wasn't talking about practicality in the sense of time and money spent. I meant that cleaner shrimp aren't a practical place to start breeding.
I've been in the hobby for over 30 years, and kept and bred reptiles as well, and more often then not it is a hobbyiest who has no preconcieved idea who are the most successful. . Breeding an animal isn't even close to astrophysics, phish guy allready has the eggs, why should he not try if he has the desire, and just because he has never tried doesn't mean he can't stumble on something that others have missed. There are now foods and information that wasn't even available to us even just a few years ago, and a much better understanding of how to replicate the ocean on a small scale. Besides if there are lots of ways known how not to do something, we don't have to try those again, that was the reason for giving the information out.

No one, me included, said it would be sucessful, or even easy, just giving the information to help people who want to try. IMO no one should tell people not to try no matter how complicated the task, it wasn't that long ago that keeping marine fish was considered impossible for the average person, even less time when no one could keep corals, then the first people bred some of the fish and actually raised the fry. Now there are businesses that raise marine fish for the trade and make money doing it.

We're not going to learn anything about how to breed these guys from haphazard attempts
Who is to say that anyone can't possibly be the first to figure out the trick to raising cleaner shrimp, I've gotten settled larvae in the past, if I paid attention to what was happening why can't that info be provided to hobbyiest so everyone could do it?

I don't mean to start an argument, just one of my pet pieves when some one tells people it is too hard, no one else has done it so don't try. If that were the case we would never find new and better ways of keeping animals.