Thread: Beloved Anemone
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Old 10/18/2001, 02:45 PM
Angel*Fish Angel*Fish is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2001
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My question is this : as Dragonlady pointed out, they LOVE their anemones, it seems like that would mean that optimum conditions would require one, right?

As Tangheaven illustrated, we don't know what they are "thinking" (saving food as opposed to feeding the anemone); but we do know they have a very strong drive to have an anemone. So is it correct of us to keep a clown with no plans to obtain one for it?

I don't know anyone who, for example, recommends keeping a jawfish without a deep substrate area for it to burrow.

Maybe to survive in the wild an anemone is required for the clownfish to be safe. If that's so, who's to say that the clown understands that the aquariast(sp?) will not introduce any dangerous predators or that there isn't one just around the corner?
