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Old 12/17/2007, 10:29 AM
crumbletop crumbletop is offline
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The "extreme" uses a 150 gpd membrane that has 98% rejection so it is similar in rejection characteristics to the 75gpd filmtec that is most commonly recommended. The speed of water output from the membrane doesn't matter as far as the DI is concerned. If the DI can handle say 2000 gallons with an input TDS of 3ppm (I'm making these numbers up), then it doesn't matter how fast the 2000 gallons run through. The slowdown seems more likely to be related to input filters/water pressure/or the restrictor thingy that sits before the membrane.
"Misers get up early in the morning; and burglars, I am informed, get up the night before." - GK Chesterton