Thread: PS3 news!
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Old 05/10/2006, 06:54 AM
budhaboy budhaboy is offline
intergalatic hitchhiker
Join Date: Jul 2001
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Posts: 902
has anyone been watching the G4tv coverage of E3(X-Play/Attack of the Show)?
thehosts, who normally do nothing but praise Sony/PSII, actually poo-poo'd the PS3. They DID praise a few games here and there for the PS3, but overall, they didnt like the price, elimination of the Dualshock, or the elimination of key components in the base PS3 model(no WiFi, no 'card ports, etc). Quite surprising considering their normal pro Sony stance.
360 games like Too Human,Crysis, F.E.A.R., Gears of War, Forza Motorsport2, and Fable2 all got very high marks.
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