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Old 01/07/2008, 05:30 PM
black_majik black_majik is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 295
Guys this guy wants attention he has obviously been exiled ( I doubt he knows what that word means) from forum site to forum site. He has no life and no friends and decides that when people freak out about animal cruelty it's a way for him to get noticed. All of you who kindly thought he may just need help with sizes I am sorry, but he has been warned in other forums and is an idiot. He has caveman talk and probably thinks clown fish are called "nemos" so please let him go on with his pointless
attention. I just hope we don't see a youtube video of a shemale under a blanket crying " Let Fish.Nemo Alone, Let Fish.Nemo Alone"
" table salt?!?!"