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Old 02/16/2006, 02:24 AM
mwp mwp is offline
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Thanks Steve. LUCK is definitely going to play a factor here!

Well it's now the end of day four / the beginning of day 5! I still have one or maybe two viable larvae cruising around. Far cry from the original 10 viable larvae we started with, and likely due to some mismanagement of rearing them in such a small environment (aka. earlier nitrite spike). At the moment, with so few larvae and so many rotifers, copepods and phytoplankton running around, I think I can just sit back and keep the faith...not much else to do!!! They don't appear to be growing much at all...not a good sign in my book but then again, I look at these little guys all the freakin' time. I'll proclaim a small victory when I finally get to see one hunt down and EAT a rotifer!