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Old 08/09/2006, 02:51 PM
cschweitzer cschweitzer is offline
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Hey, I understand where KK is coming from. I've had many deals fall through, but never has someone kept money of mine for nothing. Time may metaphorically be money, but in reality is not. The way KK comes at it is that he had time and ride to get it, but the seller was not available. When the seller finally became free(seems like over the two week period of pick-up) he had already been told to give the money back. The one post that the seller has put on this board has been in reference to a pm that was written well after the sale was supposed to occur. I would like to see the posts leading to that before I get all siding with the seller. Where were the posts/e-mails where the whole issue came from before the tank. Who cares if he had a ride later on...if he had a time period and the seller could not meet that time period, the customer is not in the wrong. If they had established or arranged times beforehand, that would be one thing.

I'm not sure who's side I am on as of yet, but the seller has not proved to me through one quote that the buyer is in the wrong. The buyer is the one with a grievance, not the seller. There is probably(usually) a reason for that and it's usually not that the seller got screwed. I don't understand why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of the seller. Besides, this is not a commercial deal with contracts or with taxes and it is not like a lease where it must be upheld. It is an agreement between two members. I agree completely that the moral thing to do is return the money. KK, you have lost no credit in my mind. This is supposed to be a hobby, not a place to profit. People back out of deals all the time and even if KK did back out, it happens. Why try to profit off of opportunity here at RC?? What did you do to deserve $100, Dan? You held onto a setup that was already yours with no extra work involved on your part...that doesn't seem to be worth $100 to me, maybe $1.
Two fish are sitting in a looks over to the other and says, "I hope you know how to drive this thing!"