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Old 12/15/2007, 09:19 AM
Satori Satori is offline
Cancer Sucks
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Sierra Vista, AZ
Posts: 2,955
I would think it has something to do with how fresh is the kill, and where has it been since being dead? For example, a wild dog might kill or scavenge an animal, but that animal has been laying in the same spot in a field. I would imagine that raw foods you buy are transported from the kill site, packaged, shipped, stored, etc. All of those steps offer a chance for contamination and the length of time between kill and consume offers time for manifestation. Just my thoughts though, I really don't know anything about how raw diets typically work with pets.

"There either is or there isn't life out there. Both possibilites are frightening."
(someone help me out - who said this?)