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Old 06/07/2006, 12:33 PM
mwp mwp is offline
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Ya know Luis, I know there's been a lot of speculation on the settlement of L. amboinensis. What's your take? Do you have any info on what's WORKED for people vs. what hasn't?

The other reason I posted (besides to say awesome thread as usual) is that I was reading through the "Hermit Crab" issue of Coral and caught something with regards to the settlement of larval hermits - they're more apt to settle if adults are around. Could it be possible that the presence of an adult L. amboinensis might help que the settlement of these guys? Definitely can't keep it in the tank WITH the larvae, but perhaps putting an adult in a net breeder or other similar form of isoliation that would keep the adult (and perhaps some settlement-triggering chemicals) in the tank but out of the larvae's way?

Just thinking...