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Old 05/31/2007, 11:00 PM
ReeferMonkey ReeferMonkey is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Dallas TX
Posts: 1,057
Ed, if you're still interested in Cardinals check out Apogon parvulus, the Red Spot Cardinal. It's adult size is around 1.5" and they school very nicely. Unfortunately, they don't survive transshipment very well. I ordered 7 and only 1 survived the first few days - however, he is bullet proof. I'm tempted to order more but feel bad about the harsh mortality - nonetheless a school of 10 or so in my 60g would be SWEET.

They used to be very inexpensive ($5-$10) but due to increased interest they are now a little more expensive ($15-$20). Any of your local shops should be able to keep their eyes peeled, I know SDC had some a few months back. They are getting more popular in the States so it shouldn't be hard.