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Old 12/20/2007, 01:54 AM
Vincerama2 Vincerama2 is offline
Byte mechanic
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: San Mateo, CA
Posts: 4,131
Actually, I live in a very nice part of San Mateo, just south of Hillsdale mall, at the border of Belmont. The problem was that my next door neighbour rented her house out to this guy and his family. That guy Billy, lost his job 2 years ago and had been unemployed for that long. His wife worked at Oracle, so that wasn't so bad. But Billy is a real loser. I guess he got into drugs badly. The guy was like 45 years old, had 2 teen age daughters. Anyway, at some point his wife packed up the kids and moved back to Florida or something and Billy was left with no employment, no source of income except dumpster diving and he squatted in the house next door. I think he wasn't always messed up, but things just got out of his control.. In the end he was PARKING HIS TRUCK ON THE LAWN.

Nobody in the neighbourhood liked him, and he kept bad company. But now he's finally gone.

All my other neighbours are families, so it's actually a really nice place to live. Not the scummy parts of San Mateo! But it just takes one bad egg to really take down the street.

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