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Old 05/20/2006, 12:08 PM
mummra100769 mummra100769 is offline
why can't i love???
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: central cali.
Posts: 1,818
hey really it's all about supply and demand. i think it's high but what ever.

as far as the gas thing...we really do not need gas. you need air....water, food and shelter. now the current state of things would fall apart and we would go to a different style of economy and people would suffer greatly and modern society would crumble but the need to have petroleum would wane and we would live in a different world thats for sure. but need? na. i will add that i amongst every body else really...really...really wants to drive instead of walk and it is a little silly to ever think this would change but the very strictest definition of a need does not fit into our petro consumption. i am just as guilty as i drive every where and i also really...really...really want to drive.
life is full of free rides.