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Old 08/07/2006, 07:09 AM
graveyardworm graveyardworm is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Nottingham, NH
Posts: 5,102
Turtle grass: Will it be unhappy with only 12" of water?
My turtle grass is in 12 inches of water and has reached the surface +. I dont think this detrimental to the plant and I have seen no ill effects yet just lettin you know.

Lighting: I have a 150W 5500K & a 175W 10KK fixture on hand. Lardizabal ( recommends at least 5 and preferably 8-10 watts per gallon for seagrasses. I could in a pinch use a 250W fixture ...anyone with real-world experience on this one?
Currently mine is growing under 80 watts of NO flourescent lighting and seems to be doing well. I am not recommending this. I think 150 watts would be okay ( assuming your talking about MH ) 175 would definately be better. 250 would probably be overkill. Sarahs the real expert here so I would take her advice. The LTA is going to have higher light demands than the seagrass IMO so I would go with the 175.

My Must Haves are a long tentacle anemone, possibly with a pair of clownfish
I would stop here as far as fish stocking goes. What type of clowns are we talking about? The LTA will easily take up half the tank when fully grown which if well fed wont take very long. Anything else in there would leave little room for seagrass. Depending on the type of clown they can become very aggressive especially in a small tank.

Also your gonna want the skimmer on there to keep water quality high and the LTA happy. IMO the anemone can take some nitrates I've had mine up to 5 ppm and the anemone was doing fine not sure on PO4 though mine has always been undetectable.

Another also, I would wait a minimum 6 months before adding the LTA are you planning on having some LR in there? IME LTA's prefer to dig their foot in under something.

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