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Old 01/09/2008, 01:31 AM
Abominable Reef Abominable Reef is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Posts: 44
Well, I decided to let nature take its course, and I think this spawn is here for the duration! Here is the nest at 48 hrs:

The eggs (about 200) have already turned from a bright orange to a kind of brownish orange. Hopefully this means they are fertile. Mama and Papa seem much more diligent at protecting the nest this time around, and I never did figure out what ate the others.

On a side note, I have two 4gal containers of rotifers going, at about 30-50 rots/ml. Does that seem like enough, or should I try and start some more?

"Carpe Diem" (seize the day)
"Carpe Toyota" (seize the engine)
"Carpe Carp" (seize the fish)
"Carpe Oceanus" (sieze the seas)