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Old 01/11/2008, 12:50 AM
thedude15810 thedude15810 is offline
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Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 466
A myriad of random things could keep the plumbing up, the problem was that I didn't even THINK about needing to support it. I just assumed that it wasn't that heavy, and that if I watched the plumbing for 30 mins and it didn't leak, I was good to go.

Lesson noted for the future.

PS: The back room (ie: skimmer, calcium reactor, where this plumbing was leaking) was supposed to be sealed from the stand by the original construction company. I even had to move everything out of the tank room after the install so they could caulk around the edges and "seal" the room. The water instantly went down under the stand and out to the carpet.

Anybody building a tank room out there take that as a lesson as well... make sure you seal the tank room from the tank so that if a leak does occur, it is contained in the area with a floor drain.