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Old 05/13/2007, 09:20 PM
cwegescheide cwegescheide is offline
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Originally posted by jman77
if you have no kids...cut and run.... She crazy enough to do this now...well, this is a teaser of whats to come

Oh I so TOTALLY agree with the above statement. I showed my wife this post and if she ever considered doing anything to sabotage my reef she would have a 1 way ticket back to where she came from. I know she totally supports my hobby though and would never think of doing something like this. I admit I have a bad temper and the police would probably cart me off in cuffs after I showed her how displeased I was with her choice of dumping something in my tank I've spent years and countless hours and money trying to nurture.

Loose that psycho before she REALLY does something crazy.